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The Best Bank Accounts for Switch Incentives

If you are looking to move your bank account to a different provider, there are various factors to consider when making your choice. Issues like what interest rate you will pay on your overdraft and earn on your savings will be important, but for many switching incentives are a key decider.

Many providers now make current account switch offers, which include cash when you change accounts and cashback for things like having Direct Debits coming out of your account or paying household bills from the account. These benefits can swiftly add up and make a real difference to which account offers the best deal for you.

Between the various switching bonuses and cashback offers available on some of the most popular current accounts, it is possible for savvy switchers to earn £100 or more when they change account. The follow accounts will earn you at least £100 for opening a bank account either upfront or within the first year the account is open.

First Direct 1st Account - £175 cash switching bonus

First Direct 1st Account offer a £175 incentive for switching to their 1st Account. You will need to switch your everyday banking to First Direct using the Current Account Switch Service, and you will have to pay in at least £1,000 during the first 30 days you hold the account, plus register and Log onto digital banking, within 30 days of us opening your first direct 1st Account.

Is it worth opening a new bank account for a good switching offer?

It is a good idea to think about exactly what you need from a current account and how you are likely to use it before making a decision about opening a new bank account. This can help to ensure you get the most out of your account on an ongoing basis.

Find the best bank accounts to switch to

Whatever your reasons for opening a new bank account, it is a good idea to spend some time researching your various options before making the switch. Check out the range of bank accounts on offer from across the market to see which offers the best deal for you.

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